midsummer light

we were wearing flannels even in the heat of summer
the sun baking on our backs but we didn't care
as long as we were together
white converse--
mine high tops
yours not--
next to each other
fingers entertwined.
we chose each other that summer
we never said it but i know we did.
you didn't really know me
and i didn't really know you
it wasn't really real
all gone like a good dream
one you never want to wake up from
but know you have to
to face the day and tell yourself
it didn't really happen.
but i still remember
your hand in mine
counting your freckles
hearing your laugh
trying to forget
that once september rolled around
i might never see you ever again.
that you would be gone
like you never existed
besides among the green trees
in the lake
in the light of midsummer
that fell into dusk
all too soon.



14 years old

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