Young Writers Project

Magic by henniebear@kua

Join our community

of young writers & artists ages 13-19

The Daily Read

  • Vermont

    I stare at rolling fields, watching the houses slip by. I look up at the mountains, noticing the warm tint on the trees that blanket them. It’s past 7 PM, one of the most beautiful times of the day in Vermont.



  • Visual Art



    Come on, don’t be a couch potato! Get up off the couch and paint a couple of couch potatoes chilling out in their living room, or depict any other idiom you’re fond of.

  • Writing



    Write a poem, story, or nonfiction piece about the demolition of a building you or others have grown attached to. What memories or people do you associate with the structure – and what does its destruction now symbolize? 

  • Writing



    Your physical characteristics change with the seasons … Take it away from here!


  • Writing

    Poetry Month

    April is National Poetry Month! Write a poem. Introduce us to a poet you love. Describe the impact that poetry – your own and others' – has on your life. 

  • Visual Art

    Mark Bradford

    From hair stylist in his mom's beauty salon in Los Angeles to world-renowned artist, Mark Bradford explores issues of class, race, and gender through his art.

  • Visual Art

    Ode to a Tree

    Photograph, draw, or paint a favorite tree, in the context of your appreciation of nature's power. 

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