A Part of Me and a Part of Winter

As I look behind me at the season that was
The season of fall
I begin to realize that it is time to move on
To bring forth a new season
A colder one
A deadlier one
And a more enjoyable one
This season, commonly called winter, is slowly approaching
With it’s ice, snow, and chill
It’s unforgivingness and power
And it brings with it fun
Standing on the top of the mountain
I hold my snowboard in hand
Looking over the horizon, and seeing winter approach
The mountain across from me is covered in feet of snow
The air behind that mountain races towards me
Wanting to freeze
To harm
To kill
It can’t harm me 
I am a part of winter
Winter is a part of me
I am not whole while it is not here
A piece of me is missing
And as that wall of freezing wind hits me
I become whole again
Winter has no power over me
Only I have power of it





19 years old

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