Seasonal Opportunity

Opportunity is but a moment in our lives,

that leads to both good and evil. 

It can lead to justice in court,

or prejudice on the streets.

That is just how the world starts, 

opportunities to achieve,

destinations that can be met,

And a sun that always adds light to life.

The flowers start to regrow, 

Our attitudes start to look up,

And our opportunities, start to grow with them.

This new spring,

of new hopes and dreams,

That springs onto us in seconds.


The tides shift and that opportunity, 

It is not as prevalent.

Instead, it just sits and waits for you to continue

with the opportunities, you have been gifted. 

It solely remains for you to achieve something, 

anything you can. 

Summer delights humankind with a new sense of freedom, 

from the rolling, aquamarine tides

sliding against the soft, warm sands, 

to the rigorous mountains that peer over our shoulders.

No stone is left unturned.

The summer just continues to float like a zephyr of opportunities.


Autumn, a time of being yourself, 

and preparing for the seasons to come.

A point where most fall into bad habits.

The mind starts to hibernate.

We start to close our minds,

to accept the harsh winds along with the changing leaves.

Another season of change brings us new mindsets, 

those of the negative kind.

It will be fine because we are survivors.

We know how to survive harsh winds

We are intelligent creatures that can find a solution.

It will be okay.


When winter comes it breaches our hearts.

It dulls the mood to the point where we have to find a celebration to survive.

A purpose to thrive.


our hearts fall into the darkness of snow.

All the snow does to help is reflect the overbearing sun,

blinding the eyes of those who attempt to brave the cold.

It is intimidating as it is cold, 

Incredibly so.

But we are survivors,

So we push through the cold to come full circle, 

Back to the changes of spring.



16 years old

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