Where, is the Ball?

Here! Over here!
I've discovered it all.
Rejoice and be gladd for I've found the ball.
The orenge and blue one
With the green on the stem.
Oh never mind,
Thats a mad mother hen.

I got it! Don;t worry!
I've taken to heart
For this search of the ball while we're out at the park.
Its all roundish, and redish
And hard as a sheet,
Oh, look at that, its an over ripe peach.

You fools! I've got it.
I promise you this.
For this object is pink, almost fleshy and thick.
Its next to your leg,
Oh my friends you are blind!
Oh its your hand, on your lap. Never mind. 

I've got it you absolute - words I can't say-
Cause theres parents around and kids at play,
But here is the ball,
By your foot its located!
No wonder we shan't seen it roll...its deflated.




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