


16 years old


  • A Reminder Of Winter

    A gentle reminder of love,

    the snow falls around like a hug,

    one I’ve come to appreciate so much.

    The chill in the air sweeps around us,

    as spring dances with winter.

    The two almost inseparable.

  • Those I Love

    I’ve come to realize,

    I am not solely myself.

    I am pieces of those I love,

    Pieces of those I’ve loved, too.

    They make me who I am,

    who I strive to become.

    Deep in my heart,

  • What You Couldn’t Say

    Your words were like a false sea,

    only meant to convince me.

    And when I asked what it’d be,

    you still decided to go with the wind,

    Foolishly I still waited, until eventually,

    I grew tired of waiting for you,

  • Fog

    Fog gently wraps itself around –

    everything above the ground,

    as the memory of rain plagues the land,

    its presence peaceful as it brings silence.

    The worries of the day have been washed away,

  • A Warm Plague

    The wind dances around me,

    as I watch the sun melt into the sea.

    The colors melting together in a blur.

    Dusk is approaching as the stars begin to stir.

    Winters icy hug is distant as it leaves,

  • Hazy Night

    Listening to the whispering breeze, 

    I watch shadows engulf the trees. 

    The moon is nowhere to be seen, 

    As the stars start to flicker green, 
