wings of fire

wings of fire


14 years old


  • Remember

    Hello, if you are reading this.
    Remember the bad things
    They might make you cry
    but also remember the good things.
    That brightened your day.
    Remember your family.
    Remember to love them.
    Remember you friends.
  • Thunder girl

    Always falling.
    Losing control.
    the screaming of the thunder.

    The wild wind cries through the night.
    As tears of rain fall from the sky.
    Wild star eyes barely visible behind clouds of black hair.

  • That girl

    I am the girl drawing
    alone in the empty art room,
    a paintbrush in hand.

    I am the girl who doesn't bother looking in the mirror.
    I don't care what I see.

    I'm the individual,
    the girl who walks on her own path,
  • Two Red Birds

    two birds flying around each other.
    In love.
    One a bright red, the other a duller brown red.

    There songs float through the air.
    Sweet like honey, dripping along the wind.
    Each note soft and beatiful.