Sean Kim

Sean Kim


18 years old


  • Nightmare Material

    Fear had been an idea, a concept. Now it was real: a feeling I would carry inside me for the rest of my life. The day began innocently enough, with a family trip to the beach.
  • Kennedy in Indiana

    Standing on a truck in the Indianapolis ghetto, he empathized with the African-Americans, raising peace and mercy across colors. Indiana had nearly no riots while the nation raged.
  • Perhaps a Dream World

    Perhaps it was a dream, she thought. Perhaps if she pinched herself, she would wake up. But she didn’t want to wake up. She wanted to stay in this dream world where she could finally catch her breath.
  • Golden Sacrifice

    Gold-plated wheels tumbled through the uneven cobblestone road in London's East End. For a few seconds, all the thieves, workers, and street rats would clear the way for the broad, adorned carriage on its daily factory check-up.