Spring, my dearest

Spring, my dearest, where are you?

I've been waiting for so long, yet still I'm caught in Winter's grasp, and I'm ready for something new

Each season sparks excitement, but resentment always comes, as I fled from Fall to find the snow, but the cold has made me numb.

And when I finally reach you, on a journey far too long, I'll be so happy to greet you, but soon I'll want to move on.

When Summer sweeps in with a warm breeze, I'll be glad to go, and from her warmth I'll reap my time, happy to rest from a never ending climb.

But it won't last, as it never does, and when Fall comes the cycle will be complete. I'll turn the corner of my fifteenth year and still, I won't be done- I'll continue to run, and run, and run.

I'll wave goodbye to Fall, and meet Winter once again, until I finally see you, my dearest.

I'll be with you, Spring, and maybe this will be the year that I am finally satisfied, as I lay under the willow's trunk and close my eyes to rest.

Posted in response to the challenge Spring: Writing Contest.



14 years old

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