


14 years old


  • Mother Earth

    In the cradle of the galaxy’s abyss, we float

    Born and aged through evolutions, revolutions

    The Earth has been here, and we are passengers on a never ending journey in our orbit round the sun

  • Lullaby

    Carried by the songbird’s wings 

    Through forests bright, caverns dim, 

    Flying in the wild wind.  

    Tears have been shed and goodbyes have been said 

    And the light is leaving from your eyes. 

  • If Love was a Garden

    If love was a garden, I’d let it grow wild

    Because what use is love that’s tamed?

    There, the honeybees would be the messengers, passing letters of sweet nothings from the sun to the flower’s soft buds

  • Carefree Honeybee

    Carefree Honeybee, 

    Don’t you see the hope you’ve given me?

    I’ve climbed up and up and up but the end seems never closer, and I’m reaching reaching reaching for a dream that’s never there.


  • Know better

    I should know better

    Because you being gone 

    Will save me

    Even while you remain in my mind

    Sometime soon 

    My heart will forget you

    To make room for a girl

    A girl named Amelia 

  • Taylor Swift

    swift locks of golden hair belonging to—

    a girl once invisible that now has a place in this world,

    guitar stained with teardrops,

    that is worn out by playing her song.


    golden fireworks blazing from the sky—

  • My Mother: The Earth

    I was born in the morning

    when the wind's gentle hands

    would fly past me- laughing

    should we run through the land


    I was born as the birds were

    under the eaves

    of a soothing huckleberry