


15 years old


  • clumsy poem

    the sun is rising, and from my
    window i can see the way the maple
    tree sways in the wind, dancing
    along to the earth's howling. 

    i look around me and all i am is
    tired, tired of the bed that makes my
  • love is a sickness

    i have so much of you in my heart,
    but i do not think that i can call the feeling
    within me love because there is
    an overwhelming bitterness that comes
    along with it that it hurts.

    young, i am like a bruised
  • Dependency

    purple and blue and red,
    she is the spring rain as it washes
    over your body, a mere annoyance
    in the wake of his storm.

    she hurts and she grows,
    like a rose, with her thorns drawing
    blood from your greedy fingers,
  • Lipstick Girl

            I think that maybe I'm not really growing up, but just growing older. Years can fly by, but I still feel the same as I did when I was a child, crawling and crying and looking for attention.
  • an unrecognizable winter

    she sits on a sagging stump,
    a cool dampness spreading across
    the warm skin of legs as she
    watches the world move around
    her, hours passing by.

    it's been a soft winter,
    a breeze compared to the
  • clumsy icarus

    in all my short time, the
    literary references to icarus never
    disappointed, but for the first time
    i seem to find them so deeply and
    heart wrenchingly relatable.

    your sun rose, in a flurry of orange